9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life
1. Be Grateful
reflection: Being grateful is one way to be happy and make something of your life. Im grateful that i have people in my life that care about me and what i do. Another thing that i can be grateful for is to waking up every morning. Its because some people go to sleep and they dont wake up and im glad that i get another opportunity each day to be a better person and do what i can do. We all try to help each other out and be grateful for those people that come into your life. We also got to be grateful for the little thing that we dont really think about. We have opportunities everyday to make ourselves better. We only have so much we have more stuff than others around the world. We have to be grateful for what we have. Being GRATEFUL is one way to be a little happier.

The way I will apply this to my life is i will always be grateful, which also include enjoying the little things and also be grateful for i have in my life.
2. Be Smart
Being smart is the second way to make yourself happy and making something of your life. Everyone is capable of being smart. You just have to believe that you are. Dont let people tell you that you are not everyone is. Its up to you how you see yourself. Its the decisions that you make that prove if your smart. Dont make dumb decisions that you will later regret. Be happy and make the right choice. If you do make the correct chose you will be happy. If you always are making the right choice it will prove that you have intelligence. It always feels good doing the right thing. Be smart and make those good decisions.

I will apply this to my life. I will always be smart and make those good decisions. If i stay making those good decisions it will motivate me to do better.
3.Be involved in good work
Being involved in good work is the third way how to be happy and make something of your life. Good work always dosent mean to volunteer. You can see trash on the floor and you can throw it away thats one form of good work. Volunteering is a good way to show what type of person you are. You give up your spare time and put it to good use and help out others. If you make a change in the world by cleaning it up or helping out others you will feel happy. This will make you a better person and your confident will go up. I believe if you do good, good thing will come to you. Not just doing any work but good work is a great way to be happier. You dont have to do a big thing to help out everybody because you cant. Its the thought that you know you are. Little things make thing things happen.
The way i will apply this to my life is to always do work. Just doing the little things like picking up trash has a big meaning. It always feel great to do good work.
4.Be clean
Being clean is the fourth way of being happy and making something put of your life. Being clean dosent always mean to be shower clean. This has a couple different meaning. In this one it means to be and have a clean name. Let people understand when people hear your name they say he is a good ctr person. This also applies to being involved in good work. This makes you and your name good which gives you a bigger and better reputation. If you dont and you chose the wrong your name will be dirty. People are not gonna trust you because your name is dirty. Dont let that happen to you always ctr and youll have a clean name and be a better person.

The ways i will apply this to my life is always do good. Ill let people understand that my name is good and clean.
5.Be True
being true is one of the nine ways to be happy and make something of yourself. This means to be truthful and dont lie. Being truthful can bring a lot of happiness. Nobody likes a liar. If you lie and the other person finds out that your lying they would never see you again the same. You wold of have lost their respect and trust. You know you lie because you have done something bad. If you dont ever do nothing bad you dont ever have to worry about lying because your always choosing the right. If you always be true you would earns everyone's respect and trust. There gonna be able to depend on you to do something because they can trust you. Always be true so you wouldn't hurt anyone you care about always be true.
The way i will apply this in my life is to stay true. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone and lie. Id always stay true and earn everyone's respect and trust.
6.Be positive
Being positive is the 6th way to be happy and make something of your life. Being positive is a very good thing. You always look for the good in everything. No matter how bad the situation you always got to look for the good. Being positive will bring your hopes up and gives you confidence. Let all the positivity in your life because you dont want you all the negative stuff to weigh you down. If you look at the bad stuff its only going to make it worse. Its gonna get you down. Then depending how you look at it if you look in the positive or if you look in the negative it really changes your perspective. It shows what kind of person you are and how you see things. Try to be positive its a really good thing that everyone likes. Nobody wants anyone to point out the bad. Look at the good be a positive person.

I will apply this to my life is to always be positive. In any situation i will always look in the good. Look for the positive things in life. It will really change your perspective.
7.Be humble
Being humble is the 7th way to be happy and make something of your life. It's like to have respect. To put everything to aside that what happened and having respect for another. An example is like not letting a game victory to your head. Show like its has very little importance but still showing respect. It is also in another form of being grateful and giving back. Being helpful to others, and giving back. There is some people that get into accidents and they are grateful that they still are were they want to be and they become more humble. Its another way of also appreciating life. Being able to wake up and walk the next morning is something to be grateful because not everyone can do it.
I believe i already am a humble person, But i can always be a better person. I will keep on applying this to my life.
8.Be still
Being still is the 8th way to be happy and make something of your life. Which means let life happen. Things happen for a reason and those can be the best. You have to let life take its course. Dont do or make decisions out of extraordinary. People have to be patient and be bold. The good things happen to people who wait for the perfect timing. Lives tests us to see our moves,but we have to make good decisions and go through with it. When you make a bad decision just be patient and make up for it or try to fix. You cant rush things bc those decisions can be the worst or whatever the situation is. Being still is a good way to be happy.

I will apply this to my life and let life happen and takes its course so the best can happen.
9. Be prayerful
And being prayerful is the final way to be happy and make something of your life. I agree with all these 9 ways. These are all wonderful and fantastic ways and they mean a lot. Everyone should know and follow this to become better for themselves and others around them. These means your going to be a really good ctr person. Being a ctr person is a wonderful thing so much good in life and those around you. I've already been applying this to my life without even noticing it, but now i know. I will apply every single way so i can become a even better person. Making me happy and those around me.
The Concluding words of Hinkley
"There they are, nine Be’s which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth .... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness – things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf innm a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, "stop,look,listen."They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.
I was riding a train in the midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks.A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved until i can no longer see it. Suddenly, The locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt. as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side, There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in a instant
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be's.
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (Your) precious life."