10 Seeds of greatness
1. The Seed of Self Esteem(Appreciate the value of yourself)
From self love to self worth
reflection: This is a great new way to start of this new post the first one beinf "Self esteem". This means you have the confiden and that you wont put your head down because you feel good about yourself. When you have the self esteem you feel like you can accompish anything. All of this would mean you value yourself. When you value yourself it means that you love yourslef and you are capapble of doing anthing of your choice because you have the mentality and self esteem. Dont ever let anyone bring you down because everyone is unique always keep your head up high.
2. The seed of creativity
Realsing your creative energy"
reflection: The second see is creativity which is a very great way of expressing being yourself. It is a healthy and great way of thinking. Not a lot of people can be creative but some take it to the other level. This is a way how people can express themselves.Creativity is a beautiful thing because its a way how your mind can precieve things. Everyone has the potiental of being creative.

3.The seed of responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."
The third seed is responsibility and this is a great seed. Everyone has to be responsible its the part of growing up. It also feels great when your responsible because when your doinig everything right you get a great feeling. You keep yourself on track and in check to get whatever need to get done. The consequences are on you if you dont get what needs to be done then thats all on you, you know what needs to fet done so just do it. Responsiblitiy is something you have to learn and pick up.
4.The Seed of Wisdom
" A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardlessof their occupations."
reflection:This is a great seed because everyone needs to have wisdom it is such a great thing. Most elderly people have so much wisdom becaus ethey been through a lot and live longer than us of course. Wisdom is being very knowledgeable and almost sharing your experience to other and knowledege to others. When people seek out help they usually go to those you have a lot of wisdom and we can all become wisdom, its a good thing because it shows a lot about you and what you know. The more wisdom you are the more successful you will become. It also means expanding your vocabulary. It is also a great things because you can comprehend more reading and other academic work and have a better/clear understanding. Being wisdom is a great seed and we should all pratice it.

5. The Seed of Purpose
"The gold mine in your goals"
reflection: I like this quote very much it says so much already. Everything that you do should have a purpose. No matter what it may be something small or big it has to be done with a purpose. Everything has a purpose but if it doesn't then whats the point. What is your time and effort when your doing something with out a purpose your wasting your time. Time is something you cannot get back you must every second of it and be the best you can be whether its academically, physically or mentally. Do everything with a purpose then the outcome and you'll succeed faster and make yourself a better person.
6. The Seed of Communication
"Reach out and touch someone"
reflection: Communication plays a big role in our everyday lives. A lot of things can be achieved if you have communication flowing through socites such as schools, sports teams and work. Everything that you do can be done a lot more efficiently. It always takes a group of people and nothing will be done if there isnt proper communication everything will just fall because everything will be misplaced and go downhill. Just like in a family if people are just doing them the mother will just be wondering where her kids are at or what they might doing because there isnt communocation its a bad habit if there isnt communicatin.
7.The Seed of Faith
"The power of positive believing."
reflection: This is a great and seed. It is something that everyone must have a seek. Believeing is a great way of motivation it is something that will tke time no matter what it is whether is solutions to problems, academics, physically and any other form you will achieve whatever it may be. Always be postitve because thats the way to go because if your your negative your gonna lack faith your gonna lack faith and you will give up easliy on the other had if you have faith and hope and there way up there were it motivates you everyday nothing will stop you from accomplishing whatever you want to acheive.

8. The Seed of Adaptability
"Turning problems into opportunities"
reflection: This is a great seed that turns everything into positivity. Positvity is the key to moving forward. When something is difficult yes it can bring us down and keep us there with our heads down. Dont ever give up. Turing that obstical into a opportunity can best so great. If you do it for the long run it will make you a beter person. When you turn a problem and try to make the best out of it till only benifit you because when you make a choice it always be easy but making the right one will be harder but doing it for the long run is just the way to go because youll be a better version of you. Always improve there will always be room for improvement.
9. The Seed of Perserverance
"The will to win is everything"
reflection: Having the will not to give up is something that is diffiuclt to obtain. This is because when most obsticals that come a forth people tend to give up or attempt without actually seeing the out come of them actually achieving it. Having will is having hope having faith something that keeps you going when people tell you, ypu cant. It something that tells your body to stop because your tired but your mindset telling keep going. Thats the type of will you need. If you have that will and fail you will attempt it againg because it os something that you wont stop doing until you get where you want to be.
10. The Seed of Perspective
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and graditude"
reflection: Last but not least is the seed of perspective. This is a very important amd vital aspect to people. It is because we all see everything in a different way we alre all different people so we have a thing on how we interpet things when it comes to mind or when we see a situation. It is very important to put yourself in other people shoes because we are all different with different views. So you cant be getting mad, sad or whatever it may be to the other person without putting yourself in their shoes. It does play a huge role in the situation and take the other person opinion into consideration even though it might seem ridiculouse at the moment but once you think it through you might change your view. So always take the other persons perspective into consideration no matter what situation.
Final reflection
In the overall view of the 10 Seeds of Greatness was fantastic. It taught us about us whether or not we actuallly think positive or not. If practice adaptibility, pespective, faith, and/or communications that what we are going to get that is going to be what we are strongest at.