Six Ways to Make People Like you. if you want people to like you.....
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
1)"Do this and you will be welcome anywhere"
2) "You can make more friends in 2 months by becoming interested in other people than you in two years by trying to get other people interested in you"
3)Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering"
reflection: "Becoming genuinely interested in other people" is the first way to make people like you. You have to be interested in other people and communicate with them to really see if they interest you and becoming their friends. Ask questions that you may think they may interested in certain topics. If you have somethings in common they have a higher chance of becoming your friend. Its about communication and see what their interests are and what are yours making more friends is always good.

Rule 2: Smile
1)"Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says,"I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you"
2)"You dont feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile"
3)"It creates happiness in the home,fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends
reflection: Smiling can show a lot in a person. If you start smiling you will get this positive vibe. Even in the worst situation no matter how tough it is you should keep on smiling. Of you tend to smile a lot you will become a bit happier because you got that big o grin on your face. If your happy then you are surely be able to impact those around you. Your positive vibe will rub on and people will always know you as that smiling and good person. Especially your family and friends if they see that you are happy and always smiling no matter what you are doing or where you want to go they will support you because you are happy.

Rule 2: Smile
1)"Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says,"I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you"
2)"You dont feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile"
3)"It creates happiness in the home,fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends
reflection: Smiling can show a lot in a person. If you start smiling you will get this positive vibe. Even in the worst situation no matter how tough it is you should keep on smiling. Of you tend to smile a lot you will become a bit happier because you got that big o grin on your face. If your happy then you are surely be able to impact those around you. Your positive vibe will rub on and people will always know you as that smiling and good person. Especially your family and friends if they see that you are happy and always smiling no matter what you are doing or where you want to go they will support you because you are happy.

Rule 3: Remember Names
1) "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language"
2) "If you dont remember names, you are headed for trouble"
Reflection: Remembering names is very important. If you remember someone's name or they remember yours it shows something about you or that person. It shows that you care and listen to them. It shows that little connection that you will have. If you remember there names it can benefit you whether it be school or work. Its also nice if that person is very nice and kind you will most likely like them and would want to be there friends. If you dont remember there names it can also be bad. If they had hurt you, you would want to remember there names if they did. So it is always good to remember names no matter who it is.
Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
1)"IF you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
2)"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems.
Reflection: Being a good listener is a very good thing no matter who it is. It shows that you are active and paying attention. It also gets you to see other peoples perspectives and points of views.

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest
"The royal road to a man's heat is to talk to him about the things he treasures most"
Reflection: This rule is very important when it comes to meeting a new person or a friend. If you know what the interest of other it would greatly benefit you and the other person. You will get a better understanding of what they like. They will surely grow fond of you. Talking about the other favorite interest will make them like you and you will be creating more friends because you understand what they like and you or whoever else's will have a special bond because of all the things you have in common. Its also a good thing to learn about others interest because it also shows that you listen and that you care.
Rule 6: Make the other person feel important- and do it sincerely
"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature."(John Dewey) helping people feel important and appreciated works magic"
Reflection:This has to be on of the most important rule.This makes a lot of difference whether or not you're gonna make a friend or whether there gonna stick around. Everyone wants to feel important no matter who it is. This is in human nature where like everyone wants it no one wants to feel useless. If you make someone feel important they are most likely going to stick around because it also means that you care about them. If you make whoever it is feel important it creates a bond a greater bond than anybody else's because of how special you make them feel. People should really appreciate it a lot because not everyone can have that same feeling. It does mean a lot when it comes to making someone feel important.
Final Reflection
These "six ways to make people like you" is a very good and important set full of ways. These rules isn't just a way to meet them or present yourself and leave never seeing them again. These are six ways on how to make friends not just meeting anyone. These are very important to anyone really. All these rules apply to you and makes the other feel a certain way. whether it just be listening, getting involved in their interest, or just smiling it can really change someones mood and attitude. It makes the other person that you care about them. That will show that you grow fond of them. You will make the other person feel important and they will surely see that and they will impact your life for being there for you and being a good friend because you made them feel important. When you do and you keep on applying these rules to certain people it will create a really good friendship and make a group of people close and make this unbreakable bond because your friendship has became so strong since you applied all these rules. I will apply these to my life because it would generally make me a better person and make me and others feel better about themselves.
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