Monday, June 5, 2017

The Top 10 rules of success for Steph Curry
1.Visualize your goals
2.Be the hardest working person
3.Stay confident
4.Do it your way
5.Be creative
6.Stay in the moment
7.Better yourself everyday 
8.Have an upbeat personality
9.Be the best version of yourself
10.Actions speak louder than words

This was some very important rules we must apply to our lives. You must visualize your goals because you must know what understand what you really want in your life. When your working towards a goal be thw hardest working perosn so that you can be the best. There are always ups and downs but no matter what happens you must always stay confident because it does play a big factor on what and how you do things.Everyone has a way on ding things they want to bit do it your wau do ways that makes it more eeficitve for you. If you lack something then you should really work on it but you can always find a way around it by being cratice and crafty.When your living that big moment stay in the moment just keep on working and having fun. If you think your doin mediocure work to be on top. Have a great personality have fun and be happy because then people will see you as a really nice person. As yuo work and try to the best you are also becoming the best version of yourself. When you say something do it because actions speak louder than words. 

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